Delta Parboiled Rice


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Delta parboiled rice is a type of rice that undergoes a special parboiling process, which involves partially boiling the rice in its husk before milling. This process helps retain nutrients and gives the rice a firmer texture and golden color.


Delta parboiled rice is a variety of rice that undergoes a unique parboiling process. During this process, the rice is first soaked, then partially boiled in its husk, and finally dried before milling. This method allows the rice to retain more nutrients compared to regular milled rice, as some of the nutrients from the husk are absorbed into the grain before milling. Additionally, the parboiling process alters the starches in the rice, making them resistant to leaching and resulting in firmer grains that are less likely to stick together when cooked. Delta parboiled rice is known for its distinct golden color and nutty flavor, making it a popular choice in various cuisines around the world.

Additional information

Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions 12.25 × 12 × 6 in
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